Which sheet metal bending machine to buy? What are the differences between sheet metal bending machines. Choosing a sheet metal bending machine is not an easy task, since you need to understand the design features of sheet metal bending machines. How and from what elements they consist and how to care for a metal bending machine. The Transformer sheet metal bending machine is a Russian-made sheet metal bending machine with excellent technical characteristics. The Sorex sheet metal bending machine no longer needs a presentation, since everyone knows it and everyone loves it. And we love it too, honestly! Comparison of Sorex and Transformer sheet metal bending machines. In this video, we raise the topic of the design features of the Sorex and Transformer sheet metal bending machines. We talk about how the main components of bending machines work and how to care for them. Enjoy watching everyone! We have all the bending machines in stock in Moscow. We adjust the sheet metal bending machines to the customer's metal before shipping. Check prices and other technical information with the managers. You can buy a sheet bending machine from the company OOO X-Profile at any time, since all sheet bending machines are always available in our warehouse in Moscow. You can always visit the office of OOO X-Profile, or come to the warehouse and try out the sheet bending machines in operation. The employees of the company X-Profile take out each sheet bending machine before sending it and adjust the clamp and bending on the sheet bending machine. The roller knife from the metal bending machine is also adjusted for metal with a thickness of 0.5 and 0.7 mm. You can buy a manual sheet bending machine at the link https://x-profil.ru/listogibochnye-st... …………...................... Our websites: 1. https://x-profil.ru 2. https://listogib-tut.ru 3. https://decker-stanki.ru …………...................... How to contact us 1. Write to us by email: [email protected] 2. Call by phone: +7 (495) 150-64-15 …………...................... What products can be produced on manual sheet bending machines: 1. Facade and windows: starting strip, ebb, platband, etc. 2. Roofing: large ridge, simple ridge, outer corner, inner corner, corner, large valley, small valley, drip cap, eaves strip, etc. …………...................... Also on sale are machines for the production of facade panels, road signs, fire cabinets, boxes, boxes, drainage systems, ventilation, etc. #sheet bending machine #bending machine #roller knife #buysheet bending machine #buysheet bending machine #metal bending machine #decker sheet bending machine #sorex sheet bending machine #transformer sheet bending machine #profil companies