LINK TO THE WHATSAPP GROUP OF BEEKEEPER HOUSEHOLDS https://chat.whatsapp.com/CLkM1JJEXzc... According to the opinion that bees choose a hollow by the thickness of the walls. A swarm of bees can fly into a simple box, but when there is a choice, bees are able to choose what they like. There were cases when a swarm flew into a trap and flew away after a few minutes, the bees did not like something. So a swarm of bees can make its choice about new housing. In this video, the first swarm flew into a trap with a thickened entrance. 💗 Likecoin - cryptocurrency for likes: https://likecoin.pro/@asdfgh098765/ii... #swarm#swarming#apiary#topic#trend#on-trend#how-to-catch-a-stray-swarm-of-bees#revision