Each region has a way of irrigating. Whether with a hose, a sprinkler, or with these more modern systems that automate irrigation over a large area. In today's video, we will talk about three irrigation systems that are very popular in the region, which are Santeno, Sprinkler, and Drip, highlighting the pros and cons of each of them. ______________________________________ Production: Evandro J. Melo Social media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/semeartec_ Website: www.semeartec.com.br TikTok and Kwai: @semeartec Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ______________________________________ Chapters 00:00 Theme 01:00 Santeno 02:24 Sprinkler 03:30 Drip - Paraíba 04:57 Fertilization - Fertigation 07:18 Is Drip Enough to Water? 07:52 Side Effects of Watering Over 08:52 Conclusion