HARMONICA COURSE to get your mother-in-law to like you once and for all at https://harpvard.com What keys can I play on my C harmonica? If I tune my guitar in open D, which harmonica should I use? Do I need a B-flat harmonica to play alongside trumpet players? Can I play in a minor key on my harmonica? Would I need a harmonica tuned in minor? In short, knowing which harmonica you need to use for each song you want to play is information you can either deduce or look up. In this tutorial, we teach you how to apply a deductive method and a memorization-based method. Whether you use one or the other is up to you. SHEET MUSIC and written explanation at https://harpvard.com/2019/05/08/que-a... We've played a little song that you might want to learn, it's called happy birthday, here's the tutorial https://harpvard.com/2018/11/26/cumpl... We've talked about a tutorial by Jaime Altozano about the circle of fifths (or cycle of fifths). Here it is • AN AMAZING TRICK TO UNDERSTAND CHORDS... Follow us on our social networks: INSTAGRAM / harpvard or (tag us with @harpvard and/or use the hashtag #harpvard in your posts with your harmonica, we'll see) FACEBOOK / harpvard CONTACT [email protected]