There is no clearly defined doctrine of the so-called Evangelical Church. This is because the Evangelical Church does not exist as such, but is divided into various religious communities. ++++++++++++++++++++ Support our work https://orthodoxinfo.de/index.php/foe... Christ.-orth. Information center IBAN: DE70 4405 0199 0911 0065 70 BIC: DORTDE33XXX PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s... My books: https://www.edition-hagia-sophia.de/s... Website: https://orthodoxinfo.de/ YouTube: /orthmedien +++++++++++++++++++ Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church, Church, Christianity, Bible, Christian, Orthodox, Jesus Christ, Evangelical Church, Evangelical, Protestants, Protestantism, Martin Luther, Protestant Church, Roman Catholic Church, Catholic Church, Catholicism, Eastern Church, Latin Church From the Orthodox perspective of Pastor Alexej Veselov