FREE BUT VALUABLE - https://clck.ru/NQini My VK page - https://vk.com/n1maks Hello everyone! The other day such a situation happened to me.. I was making a regular breakfast and at one point spilled some water. The water got into the bread. I did not attach any importance to this and just put the bread back in the bread bin. A couple of days later, when I needed bread again.. I was very surprised, because inside I saw very moldy bread. This had never happened before, bread gets moldy in about a week. Here it happened in 3 days. I think it's because of the water. I decided to devote a whole experiment to this. In which I tried to find out in what conditions mold develops faster and in what slower.. I soaked the bread in different drinks - milk, cola, water, salt water, butter.. I also placed the bread in a vacuum, dried the bread. Well, I stuck in two more pieces of regular bread. One of them is white, the other is black. What do you think we should expect?