This week in Faruk Mercan's Notebook, there is a book that made Master Bediuzzaman very happy. In 1942, one of Bediuzzaman's students found a lost work that Bediuzzaman wrote in 1919 or 1920. This work is known as the Lemaat Risalesi, and Bediuzzaman was very happy to see it. Bediuzzaman's Arrival in Istanbul: When Bediuzzaman arrived in Istanbul in 1907, the city was experiencing a great crisis in religious beliefs. Especially in intellectual and military circles, materialism and ideologies of religious denial had begun to take hold, which led to a great religious and intellectual debate. The Crisis of Faith in the Ottoman Period: In the late Ottoman period, works such as History of Islam and Matter and Force were published, and these works contained negative views towards Islam. Bediuzzaman and other scholars tried to protect the truths of Islam by defending against these ideologies. The Importance of the Lemaat Treatise: The Lemaat Treatise is an important theological work of Bediuzzaman. The work deals with the issues of faith, creation and tawhid (unity of God) in depth. Bediuzzaman emphasized the spiritual and philosophical meaning of creation and compared Islamic civilization with Western civilization. Bediuzzaman's Legacy: The Lemaat Treatise was also included in Bediuzzaman's other works, and especially occupied an important place in his book Sözler. Bediuzzaman's teachings were influential in issues such as social justice, the prohibition of interest and the universal truths of Islam. ------------------------------------------ FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COOPERATION: [email protected] ------------------------------------------ DONATION TO THE CHANNEL - PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... / raindropstv SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL : / @raindropstv --------------------------- FOLLOW US: INSTAGRAM: / raindropstv X : / tvraindrops FACEBOOK : / raindropstv-113555227062985 TIKTOK : / raindropstv YOUTUBE : / raindropstv -------------------------- OUR CHANNELS: RAINDROPS: / @raindropstv LIFE : / @raindropstvlifestyle8051 CHILDREN : / @raindropstvkids1074 MUSIC : / @raindropstvmusic DRAMA : / @raindropstvdrama6485