Take note of this valuable tip for those who like to save money and eat well. Check out Franprix, a store that will serve you well with lunch and afternoon snack options. This store we went to is close to the Arc de Triomphe and its address is in the video. #paris2022 #franprix #paris Open your account at Nomad and earn up to $20 cashback according to the value of the first remittance that you convert into dollars in your Nomad digital account. Use my coupon to earn this cashback: XJ2PWWBQIC Receive 2% cashback on the total value of your first foreign exchange remittance made within 15 days of the date of opening your Nomad account. This tip is for those who don't want to take dollars, euros... in short, other currencies in cash to the country you are traveling to and avoid possible losses, like I myself suffered in London.