Where is the Liar is an internet game show based on the rules of Where is the Liar! Starring in the episode: Bonkol - / bonkol @bonkol Kasaczek - / kasaczek @Kasaczek Naruciak - @NaruciakGaming Dominik Bos - / awizotv @dominikbos Piotr Maciejczak - / piotrmaciejczak @PiotrMaciejczak Kacper Pitala - @KacperPitala On the stream we were raising money for a kitten shelter and the collection is STILL ACTIVE!!! https://www.ratujemyzwierzaki.pl/swia... THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE KLAMGUR TEAM FOR CREATING THE WEBSITE: WebDev: Trejok https://trejok.carrd.co/ Graphics author (logo): Nelo Pomelo https://nelopomelo.carrd.co/ Animation, liars and layout author: Lotostar https://lotostar.carrd.co/ Sound designer: Rumx https://discordapp.com/users/31636808... Tester: Winchestrr https://x.com/winxhestrr