Welcome to the channel! In today’s video, we’ll explore the incredible journey of electrons and uncover the secrets behind what happens when they enter devices like light bulbs, showers, and televisions. 🔍 Have you ever wondered where electrons go when they’re used in different electrical devices? In this video, we’ll answer this intriguing question and reveal the surprising processes that occur inside your light bulb, shower, and television. 📚 Join me as we explore fundamental concepts and reveal valuable insights into the behavior of electrons. You’ll learn about the movement of electrons in an electrical circuit, the relationship between electric current and the action of electrons, the formation of electric and magnetic fields, and even the process of generating heat. 💡 This informative video provides a comprehensive overview of how electrons and electric current work. Unravel the mysteries and expand your knowledge of electricity in an easy-to-understand way. 👍 If you liked the content and want to see more videos like this, don't forget to like, subscribe to the channel and activate notifications so you don't miss any news. Also share with your friends interested in science and technology! 🌐 ENJOY: 💻 Check out our courses: http://eletricidadeonline.com 📥 Download our material: http://eletricidadeonline.com/DOWNLOAD/ 📲 Join our group on WhatsApp: https://acesse.one/WdZxz 🔖 Additional keywords: electrons, lamp, shower, TV, electric current, light, heating, images, electricity. 🔗 Hashtags: #Electricity #Electrons #Lamp #Shower #TV #Science #Technology Music: https://www.bensound.com/