The 60000 series, 61601F, a 6-car train belonging to the Nanamitsudai Branch of the Minami-Kurihasi Rolling Stock District of Tobu Railway, was transported by JR Freight to the Kinki Sharyo Tokuan Factory, a rolling stock manufacturer located in Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, on December 5, 2024, and was seen off at Shin-Akatsu Station on the Musashino Line. The purpose of the train's arrival is to remove the intermediate car from the 6 cars and make it into a 5-car train, which will be modified for this purpose. The plan is to gradually introduce 25 5-car trains, 18 of which will incorporate the 1 intermediate car removed from the 60000 series into 4 newly manufactured cars to make them 5-car trains, starting from around spring 2025. Meanwhile, on December 24, 2024, two 80000 series trains, 81501F and 80502F, left Tokuan Factory at the same time, and were seen being transported by JR Freight at Tokuan Station on the Katamachi Line (Gakkentoshi Line), but they arrived safely at Tobu Railway's comprehensive rolling stock factory. It seems that preparations are already underway to start commercial operations in the spring, so I went to see how things were going. #PrivateRailway #NewVehicle #TobuRailway #NodaLine #80000SeriesTwitter / kitsunekita0121