What to sow and plant in February, March, April, May. Vegetable sowing schedule. When to plant vegetables tomatoes peppers cucumbers. ► My shop: https://infouprawa.pl/ ► Shop on all: https://allegro.pl/uzytkownik/infouprawa ► Virtual coffee: https://buycoffee.to/infouprawa FEBRUARY 5 Onion sowing for seedlings Leek sowing for seedlings MID-FEBRUARY Pepper sowing for seedlings Root celery sowing for seedlings Leaf celery sowing for seedlings MARCH Broccoli sowing for seedlings Onion planting spring onions Onion sowing directly into the ground Garlic planting Peas sowing directly into the ground Cauliflower sowing for seedlings Carrot sowing directly into the ground Parsnip sowing directly into the ground Root parsley sowing directly into the ground Leaf parsley sowing directly into the ground Rhubarb planting a propagated plant by dividing the rootstock Radish sowing directly into the ground Lettuce sowing for seedlings Scorzonera sowing directly into the ground BEGINNING OF MARCH Pepper sowing for seedlings Raisin sowing for seedlings 5 MARCH Eggplant sowing for seedlings 5-10 MARCH Peanut sowing for seedlings 10 MARCH Tomato sowing for seedlings MID-MARCH Broad beans sowing directly into the ground Fennel sowing for seedlings Tomato physalis sowing for seedlings Corn salad sowing directly into the ground Arugula sowing directly into the ground Radish sowing directly into the ground Spinach sowing directly into the ground TURN OF MARCH AND APRIL Garden dill sowing directly into the ground Lettuce sowing directly into the ground APRIL Broccoli planting seedlings Beetroot sowing directly into the ground Cauliflower planting seedlings Turnip sowing directly into the ground Lettuce planting seedlings Sorrel planting seedlings 1-5 APRIL Watermelon sowing for seedlings Brussels sprout sowing for seedlings Kale sowing for seedlings 10 APRIL Onion planting seedlings MID APRIL Chard sowing directly into the ground Zucchini sowing for seedlings Pumpkin sowing for seedlings Fennel planting seedlings Squash sowing for seedlings Melon sowing for seedlings Pepper planting seedlings that will be in containers Pattypan sowing for seedlings Leek planting seedlings Salsify sowing directly into the ground Gourd sowing for seedlings Potato planting TURN OF APRIL AND MAY Cucumber in the field sowing for seedlings Root celery planting seedlings Leafy celery planting seedlings MAY Brussels sprout planting seedlings Beans sowing directly into the ground Kale planting seedlings Corn sowing directly into the ground Rhubarb planting seedlings Chives planting seedlings 10 MAY Chicory sowing directly into the ground Cucumber in the field sowing directly into the ground MID-MAY Watermelon planting seedlings Eggplant planting seedlings Zucchini planting seedlings Pumpkin planting seedlings Squash planting seedlings Artichoke planting Melon planting seedlings Tomatillo planting seedlings Cucumber in the field planting seedlings Peanut planting seedlings Pattypan planting seedlings Tomato planting seedlings (maybe I will plant them in the greenhouse at the beginning of May) Raisin planting seedlings Gourd planting seedlings #vegetables #vegetable garden #garden #vegetablegarden #infocultivation #homewithgreatfield #greatfield #vegetablegrowing #tomatogrowing #tomatoseedings #seeding #planting #pepper #tomato #cucumber #watermelon #zucchini #celery #leek #leek cultivation #onion cultivation #celery cultivation