#anime #animelookism #alurceritafilm Title: Lookism Genre: Action, Drama, Supernatural Episodes: 8 Synopsis Violence and humiliation are the daily reality experienced by high school student Park Hyungseok. His fat and ugly physique makes him often used as a toy and punching bag for bullies, which makes him wish he could just disappear. Unexpectedly, when he transferred schools in the hope of starting a new life, a miraculous opportunity appeared, he woke up in a tall, handsome, and strangely athletic body and good at fighting, from there his life began to change. Update encouragement ???? -------------------------------------------------- Those who want to donate snacks -} https://saweria.co/darkyasha Treat coffee here -} https://trakteer.id/darkyasha/tip ------------------------------------------------- Discussing everything from anime, LN, WN, Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, and Donghua. Thank you for visiting this channel, I hope you can support this channel by pressing the like, comment, and subscribe buttons and don't forget to share it with your friends. Thanks