When BIG hunger strikes: whole foods, organic and Michelin-starred cuisine versus currywurst, kebab and other fast food - Germans resort to very different measures when hunger strikes. REAL. CLOSE. ***************************************** ► Start channel search now! ► You can find more HAI. CLASS. DOCUMENTARIES at: http://bit.ly/kabeleinsDoku ► kabel eins Doku on Facebook: / kabeleinsdoku ► Info on reception: http://bit.ly/EmpfangkabeleinsDoku ***************************************** Discover natural wonders, marvel at legendary deeds, understand power phenomena - kabel eins Doku will be showing the whole world of documentaries from September 22nd, 2016. The new free-TV channel from ProSiebenSat.1 is the first pure documentary channel in Germany and focuses entirely on being close to real life seven days a week. Imprint: https://www.kabeleins.de/service/impr...