In Massachusetts, by law, all companies are required to pay workers' compensation insurance to protect employees in the event of work-related accidents. This insurance is contracted with an insurance company. When a work-related accident occurs, the worker who suffered the accident has the right to demand financial support from the insurance company to pay for all medical expenses and lost wages due to not being able to work. Unfortunately, although it is a right and a service that your employer pays for, this negotiation is not easy. Insurance companies do not want to lose money, so they will try to negotiate with the worker the amount of money to offer. Attorney Eliana Sepúlveda, a specialist in workers' compensation, explains in this video at what key moments of the process the insurance company will try to negotiate the amount of compensation with the worker. And the importance of making a good decision to receive the amount you deserve. 00:00 When should I negotiate with the insurance company the amount of my compensation? 00:19 Key moments when you will receive an offer “00:37 Before the conference with the judge is the first moment in which the insurer will offer an amount of money “01:06 - 01:13” Before the compensation hearing is the second moment in which the insurer will offer an amount of money 02:06 WHEN TO ACCEPT THE OFFER? “02:28 Our advice on when to accept what the insurer offers you Brooks Law Firm (617) 245 - 8090 www.brookslawfirm.com #workerscompensation #negotiatingwiththeinsurancecompany #workerscomp #workersrights #workplaceaccident