Practically all public examinations in which there are vacancies reserved for black candidates have this rule: Art. 3. Black candidates will compete simultaneously for the reserved vacancies and the vacancies intended for general competition, according to their ranking in the public examination. § 1. Black candidates approved within the number of vacancies offered for general competition will not be counted for the purpose of filling the reserved vacancies. However, do you know when the correct time for a black candidate to leave the quota list and go to general competition? After the last qualifying phase. Check out the video and follow us on all social networks. I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, despite just starting out on YouTube, we have had an office specialized in actions involving public examinations for 5 years. You can find us on Instagram: / coelhoadvoc. . And also on JusBrasil, with more than 80 publications exclusively about public examinations: https://arnaldocoelhojunior.jusbrasil.... . I hope you enjoy the video and if you have any questions, I'm available in the comments.