Dear friends of Peace and War, Welcome to this fourth Geopolitically Incorrect Interview. Today I welcome Laurent Lafforgue for a fascinating exchange mixing geopolitics and mathematics. To join and become a member of the Peace and War Circle in order to have access to new exclusive content: / @cgalacteros Please like and share this video, subscribe and don't forget to activate the little ???? allowing you to receive our alerts. Support us: https://fr.tipeee.com/paix-et-guerre-... Happy listening, CG This channel is available with subtitles in English ???? CC 该频道提供中文字幕 ???? CC Этот канал доступен с субтитрами на русском языке ???? CC This channel is available with subtitles in Spanish ???? CC Dieser Kanal ist mit Untertiteln auf Deutsch verfügbar ???? CC ???? CC هذه القناة متاحة مع ترجمة نصية باللغة العربية #maths #mathematics #geopolitics #internationalrelations #russia #diplomacy #francorussianrelations #education #politics #history #france