What are you doing here in the description? ________________________________________________________________________ By the fourth wall, we mean the invisible fourth wall that should be facing the audience in the theater: but there isn't, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the stage, but everyone assumes that the characters, whether it's a play, film, series or game they see this fourth wall and don't know if we, the audience, or the camera are sitting there. However, when a character is aware that he is only a character in a fictional story, we talk about breaking the fourth wall. And in today's video, we collect the most memorable moments when they were done by games or game characters! Sponsor of the channel: @Unibet Magyarország #játék #toplista #leet Support us with a channel membership and we'll give you even more extra content! / @buki_dani And you can find our fan discord server here: https://discord.io/leetdiscord ♦ FOLLOW US ELSEWHERE ♦ ????A magazine: https://leet.hu/ ????Twitch: / adranash ????Facebook: / leetgaminghungary ????Instagram : / leet.hu ????You can find more top lists on this playlist, you will definitely find something you like! ???? • Toplists, selections ????????And here you can find our previous Lore videos, if you are more interested in them:???????? • Lore videos, game stories ???????? Check out the Leet Webshop and buy more and more cool gaming and esports merch or gamer peripherals! ???????? https://leet.hu/shop/ ☝☝ Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our other videos! ☝☝