The most popular game show in both the world and our country, Çarkıfelek, is on Show TV with its new decor, brand new content, magnificent guests, incredibly big prizes and the unique presentation of Turkey's number one comedian Mehmet Ali Erbil! Emine Keskin, Selahattin Mutlu and Meltem Hançer competed in the new episode of Çarkıfelek, the game show that draws viewers of all ages to the screen and gives out the most awards in the world, broadcast on Show TV. The program, which will be colored with the participation of famous guests, will have no shortage of entertainment! In Çarkıfelek, the game show that gives out the most awards in the world, the contestants will win special prizes and a grand prize car! There will be no shortage of interesting surprises in Çarkıfelek with Mehmet Ali Erbil, produced by RTV Film.