Is our history falsified? In the past, those who read history would turn to traditional books, but today the situation is different.. Modern sciences such as archeology, linguistics and genetics have emerged to tell a new story about history! So what have modern sciences revealed about our history? We hosted the researcher and traveler (Abdul Karim Al-Shatti) who was driven by culture to travel around the world.. and we answered questions including: What is the story of his visit to Palestine? What is the story of the ancient Arab tribes? Who falsified our real history? What do we not know about the history of the Arabs and Jews? Episode content: The beginning 00:00 The love of research since childhood 02:10 The relationship between travel and the Arabic language 5:40 The difference between the city and the countryside 11:00 The effect of the city on people 17:15 A new look at history 19:19 Is our history falsified? 33:00 How did Arab history begin? 42:35 The history of the Arabian Peninsula 01:02:59 What does the Torah say about the Arabs? 01:10:44 Is the Torah a reference for history? 01:20:59 History of the word (Arabs) 01:29:35 What did the archaeology reveal about Arabs and Jews? 01:38:00 How did the history of the Jews begin? 01:59:00 Jews in the Gulf 02:08:44 Visiting Palestine 02:14:30 The nature of the Jewish personality 02:22:44 Will the entity invade Arab countries? 02:27:01 Episode in collaboration with: Baims Educational Platform https://instagram.com/baimsedu?igshid... Al-Tujjar Building https://instagram.com/altujjar.kw?igs... Ghaseel App https://www.instagram.com/ghaseel?igs... Work Team: Presented by: Sayer Al-Otaibi Prepared by: Muhammad Farwana Directed by: Musaed Al-Qudaifi Their story on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riwaythom?i... Their story on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@riwayathom?_t... The guests' story expresses them alone, and does not necessarily represent the work team, and the podcast welcomes all stories.