A video series in which TV Tokyo announcer Akiko Kakutani and Nikkei Business editorial committee member Tatsuo Yamakawa directly interview guests about current affairs that are making waves in the world. The theme of the 10th episode is, "What will happen to security in East Asia if Biden becomes president?" With reports that Biden won a majority of electoral votes in the US presidential election, it is highly likely that Biden of the Democratic Party will become the next president. How will the policies toward China and North Korea change compared to those of the Trump administration under Biden? How will the Secretary of State in charge of foreign policy be appointed? We asked Sato Masahisa, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Foreign Affairs Committee and member of the House of Councilors. #Nikkei Plus 10 Saturday #Kakutani Akiko #Yamakawa Tatsuo #Kadotai #Biden #Democratic Party #US presidential election #Second Senkaku #Senkaku Islands #Yamato Bank # #Trump #Susan Rice #China #North Korea