On the eve of hitting the road, Eduardo and Juliano Generali make a checklist of all the items they will take with them for the 80-day expedition to Alaska. Watch the video and find out what to take on a motorcycle trip. What is essential for long trips? Simple tips that make all the difference when it comes to organizing your luggage in suitcases and trunks. Need help? We have selected some recommended products: Shoei Helmet https://bit.ly/CapaceteShoei Raincoat https://bit.ly/CapaDeChuvaPassoBom Waterproof Dry Bag https://bit.ly/SacoEstanqueImpermeável Waterproof Internal Bag for Outback Top Case 42 liters: https://bit.ly/TopCaseOutback42 58 liters: https://bit.ly/TopCaseOutback58 Waterproof Internal Bag for Outback Side Cases 37 liters: https://bit.ly/BolsaLateral37 48 liters: https://bit.ly/BolsaLateral48 Spot Gen3 Personal Tracker: https://bit.ly/RastreadorSpotGen3 Spot X: https://bit.ly/RastreadorSpotX Physical Maps https://bit.ly/MapaRodoviario GPS Support https://bit.ly/SuporteParaGPS Waterproof Backpack https://bit.ly/MochilaImpermeavel35 Tire Repair Kit https://bit.ly/KitReparadorPneu Air Compressor https://bit.ly/CompressorDeAr Visor Cleaner https://bit.ly/LimpaViseira Socket Adapter https://bit.ly/AdaptadorDeTomada _________ ACCESSORIES FOR YOU AND YOUR MOTORCYCLE: https://www.motoatacama.com.br GUIDED TOURS AND OFF ROAD RIDING COURSES: https://tours.motoatacama.com.br/ SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: / moto_atacama Facebook: / motoatacama SUPPORT: (11) 2429-6130 (11) 2429-4807 WhatsApp (11) 97319-0258 EMAIL FOR CONTACT: [email protected] PHYSICAL STORE: Av. Dr. Ermelindo Maffei, 443 - São Luiz Neighborhood - Itu (interior SP) Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm Saturday from 8am to 1pm