Larisa, what to do with bulbous plants when they have finished flowering? Should I dig them up or not? How can I save them until next year? I answer all these questions with this video! We will talk about daffodils, fritillaries, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths... I will tell and show you how to trim bulbous plants, whether you need to water them, how to store them and how to care for them. I will also tell you about the reasons for the lack of flowering in bulbous plants. I hope that the video will be useful and your plants will be healthy! ________________________________________________ If you have any questions, write to me in the comments, we will find the right solution together. And also do not forget to subscribe to the channel: / Garden Guide Like, write your suggestions and wishes, and do not forget to click the bell so as not to miss new videos! There is even more interesting stuff on our Instagram, be sure to subscribe / . . Video release schedule: Monday Wednesday Friday at 17:00 Moscow time! #gardenguide #larisazarubina #tulips #hazel grouse We are on social networks: https://vk.com/public181977194 https://ok.ru/group/55295755944019 / sadovigid