Download the checklist “How to Cope with Your Own Resistance to the New: The “Homemade Preparations” Technique”: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/home... Sign up for Natalia’s online course “SELF-COACHING” with psychological and coaching tools for working through 4 key areas of self-realization: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/cour... Link to the video about the Dilts pyramid: • The pyramid of logical levels by Robert D... Link to the video about the Dilts pyramid (version 2): • How to disassemble yourself down to the last screw and reassemble... Link to the video about the TOTE model: • Achieving the goal. The magic pill. ... Natalia's news channels with practical techniques and the author's presentation of psychological theory: Telegram https://t.me/blogngafonina Personal page on VKontakte https://vk.com/ngafonina Community on VKontakte https://vk.com/centr_afonina In other social networks @afonina_levelup Sign up for an individual consultation with Natalia to work through your request in the integrative author's approach: https://selfcoaching-afonina.com/ng_a... How to stop constantly putting things off for later and significantly increase your productivity? We answer these questions in today's video. 0:00 What this video is about 1:28 Vicious Circle: Why We Put Things Off Until Later 3:37 Limiting Beliefs vs. the Skill to Do 8:19 Algorithm for Implementing the Skill to Do 9:22 Deciding on Changes 10:02 Recognizing the Need for a Specific Action 11:15 Creating a Clear Step-by-Step Plan 12:30 Transferring the Action Plan to a Calendar or Schedule 13:37 Preparing “Escape Routes” in Advance 16:50 Home Resources 20:35 Acting According to the Plan 20:46 Rewarding Yourself 21:51 Checking Your Goal for Relevance In this video, we will discuss why people put things off until later and why limiting beliefs are not always the root of this problem. We will also talk about where to start fighting procrastination and what difficulties a person may encounter along the way. I will share with you an algorithm that will help you stop putting things off and start acting. You will also learn how a person can build obstacles to achieving their goals with their own hands and how to work on this. Enjoy watching, friends!