How to get pregnant https://www.pianetamamma.it/rimanere-... In recent years, fertility problems (both male and female) have increased. What are the paths to follow to understand what problems there are and get to the long-awaited pregnancy? In this video, Dr. Paolo E. Levi Setti (gynecologist at the Humanitas center in Milan) advises us on which path to follow to deal with these problems #howtogetpregnant #gynecologist #pregnancy ★ STAY IN TOUCH WITH PIANETAMAMMA ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / pianetam. . ► Facebook: / pianetamamma ► Instagram: / pianetamamm. . PianetaMamma accompanies mothers from the moment of pregnancy to the growth and development of the child. Guides and insights from experts on every aspect of motherhood and life with children. ★ VISIT THE SITE: https://www.pianetamamma.it/ #pianetamamma