Today we will travel with you to Lençóis Maranhenses, in the city of Barreirinhas in Maranhão. While we are here, we will give you many travel tips, such as what to do in Lençois Maranhenses, where to eat in Lençois Maranhenses and the best tours in Lençóis Maranhenses, to include in your itinerary. We will also recommend accommodation in Lençois Maranhenses that you will love! ✅ INSIDER: Get up to 18% off with the BIG coupon: https://bit.ly/Insider_Dream_Big ✅ Celius Tur Passeios: (98) 988564357 or https://wa.me/5598988564357 ✅ Pousada Vista do Rio: (98) 991737969 or https://wa.me/55991737969 Many people who watch us look for options on what to do in Maranhão and there are many interesting tourist spots such as Lençóis Maranhenses in Barreirinhas, Santo Amaro and Atins. The best time to travel to Lençóis Maranhenses is from July to September, when it rains in the region and the lagoons are all full and the scenery is very beautiful. Lençóis Maranhenses is located in the Northeast region of Brazil, more precisely in the state of Maranhão. Lençóis is a desert of white dunes that, during the rainy season, becomes one of the most visited destinations by tourists from Brazil and the world. Our work is focused on sharing the most beautiful and interesting places in the world. Here you can always expect a travel experience, brought in a light and relaxed way. ???? Our equipment: ✅ Microphone: https://amzn.to/4b6ENMg ✅ Camera: https://amzn.to/4b3j33Z ✅ Computer: https://amzn.to/4es1qh6 ????Discounts for your trip: ✅ Nomad: https://nomad.onelink.me/wIQT/dreambig (Coupon DREAMBIG and get $20) ✅ Insider: https://www.insiderstore.com.br/DreamBig (Use the coupon BIG12 and get 12%) ✅ Real Seguros Viagem: https://bit.ly/3tAQz1q (Buy through the link and get 5%) ✅ Worldpackers http://bit.ly/320e3LI (Use the coupon DREAMBIG and get $10) ✅ RentCars: https://bit.ly/3WKDwoR (Buy through the link and get R$50 reais) ❤️ Want to support the channel? We have an official PIX: [email protected] (All supported amount is reversed in more content for the channel)