Fausto is selling land in Broa to buy more Bitcoins! If you are interested, talk to Rodrigo: +55 (16) 99624-2800 Mamede Community at Banco Inter! Black Card + Cashback on Uber and Ifood: https://gointer.app/investimentos/com... Reserve the Best Robot in the Opinion of Winning Traders: https://parceiros.smarttbot.com/orion... With 47 years of experience in the financial market and technical analysis, Fausto was one of the pioneers in this subject in Brazil. He was already analyzing commodity charts even before Steve Nison brought candlesticks to the West and popularized chart reading as we know it today. Fausto developed an operational method that he has based himself on since he started living off the market, which he calls the Dealer method, and you know this strategy that is almost 50 years old! Host Vasco Mamede - Instagram: @vascomamede Tiktok: ostraderspodcast Guest Fausto Botelho - Instagram: @fabotelho Youtube: @ChartsFB