Here are my own predictions for the top 10 launch titles for the next-generation Nintendo Switch. (A lot of wishful thinking) I'd be happy if you could share your predictions in the comments! 0:00 Opening 0:49 New 3D Mario game 1:41 Nintendo Land sequel 2:12 Mario Kart 9 2:48 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD & Twilight Princess HD 3:17 New F-ZERO game 4:04 Luigi's Mansion 4 4:37 New Pokemon game 5:08 Murasame Castle Remake 6:10 Mother 2 Remake 7:13 New Ridge Racer game 8:13 Ending #nintendoswitch #nintendo #Nintendo #game #Mario #Super Mario #Mario Kart #Pokemon #Pocket Monsters #The Legend of Zelda #Ridge Racer #Murasame Castle #MOTHER2 #FZERO #Next-generation Switch #Nintendo Switch #Nintendo Switch Online #Luigi's Mansion