The arrangement of the chicken coop inside is very important for laying hens. Many poultry breeders limit themselves to just building a room for their keeping. This is a wrong approach to breeding poultry. Chickens in the backyard are the main sources of meat and eggs. Many farmers, buying egg-laying or meat breeds of chickens, using high-quality feed, are surprised by the low productivity of birds. This unpleasant phenomenon occurs only when the chickens experience discomfort. In this case, neither feed nor breed play a role, it is necessary to properly arrange the poultry house. It is quite easy to do it yourself, we will give you some useful tips on this topic. Our website: https://minifermer.ru/ Telegram chat on phytolight: https://t.me/minifermerledstalk Information group in telegram Minifermer: https://t.me/minifermerled Official VK group Minifermer: https://vk.com/minifermer VK group on phytolight: https://vk.com/fitolamps Our main YouTube channel: / minifermermos Our YouTube channel on phytolight: / @minifermerled1155 Our YouTube channel with technical videos: / @minifermer4715