Want to buy us a virtual coffee? https://buycoffee.to/parantela (https://buycoffee.to/parantela) Channel support: https://patronite.pl/Parantela People often ask me: What plants for the bedroom? What plants are easy to grow for beginners? What plants for the shade? What plants grow fast? What plants will create a jungle for pennies? What plants for the forgetful? I have one answer to all these questions: CLIMBERS! Climbers such as epipremnum, scindapsus or climbing philodendron grow quickly, are easy to grow, do not have high requirements and grow well in darker places! In addition, they are absolutely beautiful and I like to look at them after waking up, so I love having them in the bedroom! 🪴🪴🪴 I'm slowly getting back to my old plant-loving habits and starting to green my bedroom 🥰🥰 Today is the first of many projects - there will be climbers, wooden beams, and metal baskets, and even... chains! Curious??? I invite you to the episode! 💚 #bestbedroomplants #whatbedroomplants #bedroomplants #epipremnum #epipremnumgolden #epipremnummarblequeen #apipremnumaureum #climbers #hangingplants #vines #scindapsus #domowadżungla #domoweplants #prosterośliny #dżunglawdomu #plantporady #słonenydosypialni #jakdbacoepipremnum About us Szymon and Ania Zielińscy - a good old married couple for many years and happy parents of two long-haired girls - Hania and Inka. On the Parantela channel we show you frames from our lives, we share our passions and joys. Parantela is everything that is close to us, dear to us and somehow connected with us. We will be very happy if you make yourself comfortable with us like in a comfortable armchair and spy on us a bit and accompany us in our life adventure. Subscribe for more, write us comments - be with us - we invite you to be part of our parantela :-) We also run a wonderful online shop with plants - www.jungleboogie.pl We also invite you to the shop's YT channel / @jungle_boogie