If you want to get answers to your questions privately, please write to my e-mail: [email protected] I do paid video sessions on Messenger, the length of the session is about 1 hour. ???? Paid! Write your questions on paper in advance, so you won't forget. Topics I do not deal with are HEALTH and COURT RELATED TOPICS! ********************** If you want to get help with REIKI for your problems, you can write to the same e-mail! Then we will discuss with you what and to whom to send Reiki energy and I will send you a total of 7 days of distant Reiki. 30 minutes every day. *Can be sent to relationships to harmonize and balance them. *To increase financial income. * For a better resolution of some event (a visit to the dentist, a visit to the doctor, an operation, to get a new job or to calm down the situation at work, if there are problems with a colleague, for example, or for the best success of a vacation trip, to remove blockages in your life, to get a better home, to find a new love, etc., etc.) There is a very wide range of things that can be sent Reiki to. Or to dissolve your emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, disgust, sadness, etc. I look forward to meeting you! :) ???? Paid!