Humans have created civilization, changed almost the entire surface of the Earth, and even explored outer space. From the past until now, humans still have the same habits: making friends, laughing, and chatting. For thousands of years, we have also tried to understand: what makes us different from other living things? Scientists look for the answer in genes, philosophers look for the answer by thinking and observing human nature, and artists look for the answer in various types of works. So, what makes humans… human? Enjoy the video! --- Special thanks to Mas David and @GSIAcademy who are willing to collaborate on this content! --- Ask your weird questions here! There are NO stupid questions! 'Kok Bisa' doesn't just try to answer questions that seem stupid, strange and stupid here, but also tries to grow your curiosity about everything in this world. So, what are you waiting for? Let's watch the videos and go curiosity! --- ???? Follow Kok Bisa Website: https://kokbisa.id (???? exciting in-depth articles every 2 weeks) Discord: https://www.kokbisa.id/discord (???? exciting chats with fellow science lovers) Instagram: / kokbisa (????️ new infographics every day) TikTok: / kokbisachannel (???? exciting short videos) Twitter: / kokbisachannel (???? discussions in the space every 2 weeks) --- For business inquiries: [email protected] --- References: Ang, C. (2020). This is how coronavirus compares to the world's smallest particles. World Economic Forum. Arnold, C. (2016). The viruses that made us human. NOVA PBS. Chuong, E.B. (2018). The placenta goes viral: Retroviruses control gene expression in pregnancy. PLoS Biology, 16(10), e3000028. Cornelis, G., et al. (2017). An endogenous retroviral envelope syncytin and its cognate receptor identified in the viviparous placental Mabuya lizard. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(51), E10991-E11000. Do viruses create the nucleus? The answer may be close. (2020). Quanta Magazine. Gallagher, B. J. (2023). Million-year-old viruses help fight cancer, say scientists. Ganguly, P. (2024). Retrovirus definition. National Human Genome Research Institute. Grow, E.J., et al. (2015). Intrinsic retroviral reactivation in human preimplantation embryos and pluripotent cells. Nature, 522(7555), 221-225. Hunter, P. (2022). Pandoravirus: the melting Arctic is releasing ancient germs – how worried should we be? The Conversation. In ancient giant viruses lies the truth behind evolution of nuclei in eukaryotic cells. (2020). ScienceDaily. KurzGEsagt – In a Nutshell. (2018). The deadliest being on planet Earth – the bacteriophage [Video]. YouTube. Libretexts. (2023). 10.2: Size and Shapes of Viruses. Biology LibreTexts. Life Noggin. (2019). Can a virus get a virus? [Video]. YouTube. Louten, J. (2016). Virus structure and classification. Essential Human Virology, 19. Marshall, M. (2023). The viruses that helped to make you human. Mi, S., et al. (2000). Syncytin is a captive retroviral envelope protein involved in human placental morphogenesis. Nature, 403(6771), 785-789. Microbiology by numbers. (2011). Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9(9), 628. Nasir, A., Kim, K.M., & Caetano-Anollés, G. (2012). Viral evolution: Primordial cellular origins and late adaptation to parasitism. Mobile Genetic Elements, 2(5), 247–252. Ng, KW, et al. (2023). Antibodies against endogenous retroviruses promote lung cancer immunotherapy. Nature, 616(7957), 563-573. Nicolas, AM, et al. (2023). A subset of viruses thrives following microbial resuscitation during rewetting of a seasonally dry California grassland soil. Nature Communications, 14(1), 5835. PBS Eons. (2022). Giant viruses blur the line between alive and not [Video]. YouTube. PBS Eons. (2018). Where did viruses come from? [Video]. YouTube. Pearson, H. (2008). 'Virophage' Suggests Viruses Are Alive. Nature, 677-677. Pride, D. (2024). Viruses can help us as well as harm us. Scientific American. Queen Mary University of London. (2021). New insights into the timeline of mammal evolution. ScienceDaily. SciShow. (2021). What if all viruses vanished? [Video]. YouTube. Scudellari, M. (2021). Are viruses alive, not alive or something in between? And why does it matter? Science News. The Royal Institution. (2019). The viral origins of the placenta [Video]. YouTube. Trifonov, E.N. (2011). Vocabulary of Definitions of Life Suggests a Definition. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 29(2), 259–266. Vahlne, A. (2009). A historical reflection on the discovery of human retroviruses. Retrovirology, 6, 1-9. Wayman, E. (2019). The ancestors of today's placental mammals may never have shared the Earth with dinosaurs. Science News. Wessner, DR (2010) The Origins of Viruses. Nature Education, 3(9):37 Zimmer, C. (2012). Mammals Made By Viruses. National Geographics. --- A massive THANK YOU to everyone for watching this and for all of your support!