The fact that HTS, which set out with the claim of ensuring stability in Syria, hosts different groups within itself and that there are different ethnic and sectarian groups in Syria brings serious question marks with it in terms of ensuring stability in the country. Speaking to CGTN Türk, journalist and author Faik Bulut said, “I do not expect stability in Syria. Serious clashes will continue.” __________ Videos and interviews from Turkey and the world, the latest news, current and original news commentaries, and breaking news on the CGTN Türk Youtube channel! 🌐 Our websites where you can access current news: http://www.cgtnturk.com/ http://turkish.cri.cn/ CGTN Türk Social Media Accounts👇 https://x.com/cgtnturk / cgtnturk / cgtnturk 🎵 For live links and music regarding the agenda, our CGTN Türk Radio Social Media Accounts / cgtnturkradyo / cgtnturkradyo / cgtnturkradyo