An evening about the multicultural society of Anil Ramdas In the Netherlands, there appeared to be less room for cosmopolitan ideals than Anil Ramdas had hoped. He experienced a great deal of us-versus-them thinking. 'When I came back, I got the feeling that there were suddenly camps, a large camp for the established and a tiny camp for the outsiders. And I ended up in that tiny camp, without having any say in it.' In his work, he tried to fathom what kind of country he actually lived in. Karin Amatmoekrim has written a biography about Ramdas. With In wat voor land leven ik echt? Anil Ramdas mogelijk kosmopoliet she examines the interaction between the inner and outer worlds of Anil Ramdas. Together with intellectuals from different generations, we will use Amatmoekrim's new book to discuss the outside world that Ramdas describes and what the interpretation of his work can tell us about the Netherlands. What does it mean to be an intellectual in the multicultural Netherlands of 2023? Surinamese-Dutch Anil Ramdas was a writer, journalist and programme maker. On the initiative of De Groene Amsterdammer (where he was an editor), De Balie (where he was a director) and his family, this evening will be concluded with the presentation of the third Anil Ramdas Essay Prize.