You must have heard the saying that practicing is to correct yourself, not others, right? This saying has great meaning for those who understand how the universe's karma works. Your daily thoughts create your mind, which determines your future thinking and action habits. In this article, I will explain this issue and give practical examples so that you know how to apply it in your life, avoiding creating bad karma for yourself. Main sections: Karma and how to transform karma What is merit? Correct yourself, not others Applying it in reality 1. Blame suffering on practicing 2. Who should you blame for being deceived? 3. Don't meddle in other people's business 4. Masculinity and feminism 5. Rely on the law Read here: https://toitinhthuc.com/nghiep-la-gi/ #luanxa #thien #giacngo #chualanh #tinhthuc #thuctinh #thuctinhtamlinh #tuhanh #phatthichca #phat #phatphap #phatgiao #daophat #phatgiaoonguyenthuy