Throughout history, military forces have always used different types of hats (or coverings), and many of these pieces marked an era, becoming trademarks of conflicts or forces of different countries - some continuing to be used to this day. Let's get to know these pieces! -Take advantage of our coupon SDGUERRA40 and get 40% off your first purchase of Manual's treatment! https://www.manual.com.br/queda-de-ca... PRODUCTION: Júlio César Guedes SCRIPT: Júlio César Guedes ????Access SdG PREMIUM / @saladeguerrasdg ????️See what's already available on SdG PREMIUM • Members-only videos ❤️Collaborate with us through PIX: [email protected] ???? Discover OUR STORE! https://lolja.com.br/sala-de-guerra ????ADVERTISE on Sala de Guerra! https://bit.ly/SdGMidiaKit SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL https://youtube.com/saladeguerrasdg?s... BECOME A VIP MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL / @saladeguerrasdg DID YOU LIKE IT? SUPPORT SALA DE GUERRA ???? https://apoia.se/saladeguerra ---------- TO FIND OUT MORE - BUY NOW! -D-Day: June 6, 1944 https://amzn.to/3z0FOE5 -D-Day: The Battle for Normandy https://amzn.to/2T2ICzI -Band of brothers: Company of heroes https://amzn.to/3ckUeFi ---------- Share this video with your friends: • What is the origin of the most famous HAT... Follow the War Room on Instagram: @sala.de.guerra SEE ALSO: -Who was the BEST GERMAN GENERAL How did the P-47 navigate Why is the PARAGUAYAN WAR forgotten? • Who was the BEST GERMAN GENERAL Co... -Red Army in LISBON JAPANESE atomic bomb Origin of ADELPHI • Red Army in LISBON Atomic bomb... -What were the BIGGEST BRAVES of World War II? • What were the BIGGEST BRAVES of the Se... What is the origin of the most famous MILITARY HATS (Campaign Hat, Bibico, Kepi) #militaryhistory #bibico #kepi