Let's talk about sexually transmitted diseases and we do it starting with syphilis. What it is and how to treat it. We do it with Teresa Barone, director of the Intercompany Department of Laboratory Diagnostics of the ASP of Palermo. WHAT IS SYPHILIS Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Worldwide, it is the third most widespread bacterial type, after chlamydia and gonorrhea. HOW IS IT TRANSMITTED? It is transmitted through any type of vaginal, anal and oral sexual intercourse and with blood. An infected mother can transmit syphilis to her unborn child during pregnancy, transplacentally, through passage in the birth canal and through breastfeeding. Between contagion and the onset of the first symptoms, 10 to 90 days can pass, primary stage. After 2-8 weeks, the primary stage gives way to the secondary stage which manifests itself with the appearance of pink spots of various shapes on the skin, called "syphilitic roseola", which first affect the trunk and then the limbs, sparing the face. Typical locations are palmoplantar. SYMPTOMS The skin manifestations are often accompanied by generalized lymphadenopathy with mobile, hard and painless lymph nodes. Systemic manifestations such as fever, sore throat, gastrointestinal disorders, bone pain are possible. TREATMENT Even without treatment, the signs and symptoms of secondary syphilis disappear, but if left untreated the infection will progress to the latent stage. In this stage, which can last up to two years, the symptoms are absent but the person is still ill. Most people, if treated correctly, recover. The late stage, on the other hand, appears many years after the infection, 10-30 years, if the disease has not been treated. It can affect any organ, the most serious manifestations, which can cause death, are those affecting the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system, while the milder ones affect the skin. At this stage, the bones, tendons, stomach, liver, spleen and lungs can also be affected. _____________________ To learn more about this and other topics, visit Medical Excellence TV: https://www.medicalexcellencetv.it/ma...