LINK TO DONATE TO THE CHANNEL! SUPPORT WITH WHAT YOU LIKE! https://cutt.ly/1uIqjYY THE ACCUMULATED DONATIONS WILL BE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY AND CONTENT OF THE CHANNEL. IT IS NOT MANDATORY AND YOU CAN HELP ME WITH THE AMOUNT YOU LIKE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Referral Link Available For New and Old SWTOR Accounts! Guaranteed Advantages for Everyone! http://www.swtor.com/r/KGybn5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on my Facebook Page! To find out the latest Channel News! https://cutt.ly/QyQXEsZ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for a Brotherhood or People to Play WOW or SWTOR! They can invite you to my Discord Server! ENTER NOW! / discord ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the Link to the Official HISPANIA Community Forum! Register and be part of the Dark Side or the Light Side of the Force in SWTOR! ALONG WITH A HISPANIC BROTHERHOOD! https://foros.comunidadhispania.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to know the characteristics of my PC! Here I share them with you! I already told you that it is not a NASA machine! XD Processor: AMD FX (tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor Video Card: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series RAM: 8.0 GB Operating System: Windows 10 Hard Drive: 1 TB