Shin Megami Tensei is a franchise that deals with sensitive topics such as religion and the occult. It is because of this mysticism that it can attract people's attention, but I think that several aspects of the series should be taken into account before deciding to play it. In this video I explain many details surrounding Megaten, such as the origins of the saga, what makes it so special, interesting facts and why you should play it. If you like Persona, the most popular spin off of Shin Megami, you might be interested in checking out this analysis. 00:00 What is Megaten? 02:37 The ideological philosophy of Shin Megami Tensei 06:18 The real representation of angels and demons 09:56 The father of Pokémon 13:35 Shin Megami is unique Social networks and contact email: Email: [email protected] Twitter: / spartan115jef TikTok: / spartan115jef Thank you very much for watching the video. If you want to see more reviews, impressions, analysis or discover more about the video game industry, subscribe to the channel. Thanks for reading uwu. #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv #persona #atlus #persona3reload