In the vast realm of the universe, nuclear radiation is a powerful force that shapes the cosmic landscape and defies human comprehension. Composed of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, nuclear radiation is an expression of the energy released during nuclear processes, which occur in the nuclei of atoms. Alpha (α) radiation: Originating during alpha decay processes, alpha radiation is composed of helium nuclei, each containing two protons and two neutrons. Despite their high energy, alpha particles have an extremely low frequency, making them unsuitable for measurement in terms of wavelength. However, their limited penetrating ability makes them easily blockable by materials such as paper or human skin. Beta (β) radiation: Emitted during beta decay processes, beta radiation can be composed of electrons (negative beta particles) or positrons (positive beta particles). With energies ranging from a few keV to a few MeV, beta particles have a low frequency and are not commonly described in terms of wavelength. Its penetrating power is greater than that of alpha radiation, and can pass through a few centimeters of human tissue, but it can be blocked by materials such as aluminum or lead. Gamma rays (γ): As a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, gamma rays are emitted by unstable nuclei during alpha or beta decay processes, or during nuclear reactions. With energies ranging from a few keV to several MeV, gamma rays have extremely high frequencies and extremely short wavelengths, measured in picometers or less. Their penetrating power is very high, and they can pass through most materials, including the human body. Nuclear radiation plays a fundamental role in understanding the cosmos and in the advancement of science and technology. However, its complex nature and unique properties also present challenges and risks, requiring careful understanding and responsible management. By exploring the dimensions of cosmic energy, we are confronted with the grandeur and complexity of the universe, and we are reminded of the humility of our existence in the face of the vastness of the unknown. _____________________________________________________________________ Science Book Links: https://compendiumresumos.wordpress.com/ _____________________________________________________________________ Want to help the channel? Channel Pix Key: 469454b3-5de8-4eb6-a4ee-a8c0866311f4 _____________________________________________________________________ Channel Social Networks: Blog: https://licenciandoemquimica.blogspot... Channel Schedule: Every Tuesday: Videos about scientific curiosities. Every first Thursday of the month: Videos about discussions on the Philosophy of Science.