They are at home on board. 365 days a year: Franz Schramm (63) and Patrick Mnich (31). The two are captains and owners of their ships. What is life like on cargo ships that are both a workplace and a home? A quick trip to the shops or the cinema - that's not possible. Friendships often fall by the wayside. The camera accompanies Franz Schramm from Remagen on his "Starfish". This documentary from the series has the original title: Life on the water - three generations of inland waterway sailors, broadcast date: 12/13/24. #swrdoku #swr All statements and facts correspond to the time of broadcast and have not been updated since then. Subscribe to the channel: / swrdoku You can find more documentaries on our channel or in the ARD Mediathek at https://www.ardmediathek.de/dokus