Owning a home is a desire shared by many Brazilians, especially younger ones. In addition to being an investment with potential returns, leaving rent behind is seen as a way to achieve stability and improve quality of life. While real estate market experts point out that the decision is often an emotional one, financial planners warn about the importance of keeping a critical eye on finances. It is essential to plan carefully and consider the various purchase options available on the market to prevent the dream of owning a home from turning into a financial problem. To talk more about the subject, Isabella Faria welcomes reporter Ana Paula Branco. Live, from Monday to Friday, the program Como é que é? invites reporters, editors and columnists from the newspaper to discuss politics, economy, culture, education, technology and everything that is a topic in the country. The broadcast takes place on the newspaper's channels on YouTube, Facebook and Twitch. After the live broadcast, all episodes are also available in audio format on the main podcast aggregators. Read more on Folha https://folha.com/q4gm1vli See other programs: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha-t... Subscribe to TV Folha https://goo.gl/EBg4ag Instagram / folhadespaulo