Chanel has suffered from Crohn's disease for 12 years. At the age of 8, she suddenly had bloody stools, but the disease was initially misdiagnosed. After many years of incorrect treatment, the bacteria migrated all over her body and, among other things, ate away at her arm, which she almost lost as a result. She almost died from it herself. — Would you like to tell your story? ???? Then write to me on Facebook: / leeroymatata — I am now part of funk. Check it out: YouTube: / funkofficial funk WebApp: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk Instagram: / funk https://go.funk.net/impressum — About Chanel: https://www.instagram.com/chanel.gntm... — Contact: [email protected] — Sources for the fact check: - gesundheitsforschung-bmbf.de - German Crohn's Disease / Ulcerative Colitis Association (DCCV) eV - NDR.de - morbus-crohn-aktuell.de - ernaehrung.de - medizinfo.de