Among other characteristics, such a parameter as high input impedance or resistance is often encountered. For beginner electronics engineers, as a rule, it does not carry any semantic load. However, this is a very important characteristic. For measuring devices, in particular for a voltmeter and oscilloscope, the higher the input impedance, the higher the measurement results, especially for low-voltage signals. For amplifiers, they also strive to obtain a high input resistance, since this will amplify a low-power signal. Such signals usually have high internal resistance, therefore, in order not to “suppress” the signal, an amplifying device or a separate transistor with high input resistance is required. Also, the higher the parameter in question, the less electricity the circuit or device as a whole consumes, and, therefore, the longer the battery charge will last. Input impedance applies to AC circuits, and input resistance applies to DC circuits, although this is not a strict rule. 1. Microcircuits are simple: • Microcircuits are simple! Microcircuits for... 2. Transistor switch from A to Z: • Transistor switch from A to Z. Practical... 3. How to measure the internal resistance of a battery: • How to measure the internal resistance... 4. What is impedance, reactance: • What is IMPEDANCE REACTIVE RESISTANCE... 5. Resistance matching: • RESISTANCE MATCHING Assemble u... #impedance #resistance #electronicsclub