After April 1, new recycling fee rules came into force in Russia for cars imported from the EAEU countries, including Kyrgyzstan. Prices for cars for buyers from the Russian Federation increased. Kaktus.media found out how this affected the Kyrgyz car market and whether there are other ways to supply cars to Russia ***** STAY UP TO DATE WITH US: News: https://kaktus.media/ News: https://kaktus.kg We are on social networks: ► Telegram: https://t.me/kaktus_mediakg ► Instagram (news in Russian): https://clck.ru/Shqw9 ► Instagram (news in Kyrgyz): https://clck.ru/Shrr3 ► Facebook: / kaktus.kyrgyzstan ► TikTok: https://clck.ru/ShrtZ ► Odnoklassniki: https://clck.ru/Shr2s ► Twitter: https://clck.ru/ShqzA