Natural resources do not have values in themselves. This value will only be defined by each individual based on their choices and attitudes. This is the first idea of Kant that interests us. It does not matter what natural resource you have received as a legacy, because the only thing that is good in itself when it comes to living is GOOD WILL. This will is purely rational and guided by duty, by a kind of moral law that determines the values we should follow. Good will has an ethical value in itself. In the course “Clóvis’s Shelf”, professor Clóvis de Barros discusses in more depth these and other relevant topics from thinkers and philosophers who are very important to humanity. Legal practice goes beyond the mere application of laws. To stand out in your career, seek the reflection and critical thinking that Philosophy offers. The Clóvis’s Shelf course was prepared to address philosophical questions that will give consistency to the training of jurist, demonstrating that their role goes beyond judicial technique or a dogmatic practice of knowledge of laws. Learn about the Estante do Clóvis course and sign up using the link below: https://tinyurl.com/jwaa2pu3 Follow the professor on Instagram: @clovisdebarros Find all of Prof. Clóvis's works and courses here: www.clovisdebarros.com.br Support Inédita Pamonha and #PartiuPensar: https://apoia.se/ineditapamonha #law #justice #clovisdebarros #philosophy #estantedoclovis #kant #desire #will