What is Hanukkah? Hanukkah? Also known as the festival of lights, it is one of the most beautiful Jewish celebrations of the year! But why does the chanukiah have 9 arms? What does Chanukah celebrate? WHEN IS CHANUKA IN 2024? The first candle is lit on the night of 12/25/2024 and the last on the night of 01/02/2025 PRAYERS FOR LIGHTING CHANUKÁ CANDLES 1. Baruch Atá A-do-nai, E-lo-hê-nu Mêlech Haolam, asher kideshánu bemitsvotav, vetsivánu lehadlic ner Chanukah. Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to light the Chanukah candle. 2. Baruch Atá A-do-nai, E-lo-hê-nu Mêlech Haolam, sheassá nissim laavotênu, bayamim hahêm, bizman hazê. Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who performed miracles for our ancestors, in those days, at this time. ???? BE OUR DISCIPLE: +55 14 99640-5471 MAKE YOUR OFFER ⤵️ ???? PIX ✨ 49.261.750/0001-06 Name: Iasmym R Class Jewish Family ???? Itaú account: CPF: 16613569747 Agency: 6078 Account: PayPal ⤵️ matheusdeandrademiranda@gmail .with