What is an invoice, proforma invoice, proforma, invoice, packing? What is the difference between a proforma and an invoice? HS Code HS CODE Hello dear ones and those interested in business. In this video, we tried to explain the concepts of proforma, proforma invoice, packing list, bill of lading, certificate of origin, HS CODE. These words are among the most important business terms. It does not matter whether you want to export or import. In both cases of import and export business, these words and documents are common. In Persian, we call proforma a proforma invoice and we call invoice or proforma invoice an invoice. We also call the certificate of origin the CO. We write these English terms so that you can use them in your business correspondence. PROFORMA INVOICE PACKING LIST CO BILL OF LADING HS CODE The word HS CODE is also less familiar to people and in Persian it means a tariff that allows you to talk about the product without defining its specifications, just with a number of numbers, and declare it at customs. Another thing we forgot to talk about is LOI, which is a letter that you write and express your opinion about a product and report it, and ... In Persian they just say LOI... Firoozeh Trading Telegram Channel https://t.me/firoozetrading Important words in this video: What is invoice, proforma, invoice, packing? What is the difference between a proforma and an invoice? HS Code HS CODE, Proforma, Proforma Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Proforma Invoice, Packing List, Baling List, Trade and Commerce Education, Foreign Trade Education, International Trade Education, Important Business Terms, Commerce, Import, Export, Import from China, Proforma Invoice, Import and Export, Import from China Alibaba, Import of Goods, Important Business Terms of Iran, Education of Importing Goods from China, Turquoise Commerce, Cargo Ship, New Iranian Cargo, Yiwu City, China