Twitter @juangangel Agroecology encompasses a set of practices where water, soil, forest, family, society, agroindustry and commerce interact, becoming a sustainable agricultural system that optimizes and stabilizes production. Jairo Lozano and his parents welcomed us to teach us a little about their history, what they produce and how, on this farm that has become an international benchmark. Agroecology is "the science, movement and practice" of the application of ecological processes in agricultural, livestock and forestry production systems, as well as in food systems. Agroecology is based on the application of principles that combine ecological and social values, whose application is adapted to different socio-ecological contexts and also to different scales, from the very small for self-consumption to the large scale, including the landscape level. Agroecology has as its fundamental principle biological diversification and from it it is possible to restore and strengthen the ecological functions that maintain the ecological and social resilience of productive systems. The ecological and social processes triggered by agroecological production position it as a strategy for transformative change in sustainable food, including in contemporary crises such as pandemics. Source https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agroeco... Juan Gonzalo Angel Restrepo www.tvagro.tv