POST MORTEM CLEANING in #BORDER: Roberto Molina has one of the most peculiar jobs there is. In addition to being a fumigator, he has a post mortem cleaning company and today he tells us, in a new BordeeSessions, what it is, how he does it and the experiences he had in each of the scenes he witnessed. Audiovisual Production: Tali Jeifetz CONTACT: [email protected] POST MORTEM CLEANING CONTACT https://www.limpiezapostmortem.com.ar... BORDERPERIODISMO: https://borderperiodismo.com/ Roberto Molina has one of the most peculiar jobs there is. In addition to being a fumigator, he has a post mortem cleaning company. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/borderperio... Twitter: /borderonline TikTok: /borderperiodismo . . . . . . . . . . . . #PostmortemCleaning #bordersessions #mariajuliaolivan #fumigator #fumigatorofdeath #traumaticcleaning #forensiccleaning #cleaning #oddjobs #cleaningafterdeath Postmortem Cleaning at #BORDER. Postmortem Cleaning visits #BORDER